“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
During the church services on Sundays, toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary kids up to 5th Grade are invited to be part of our dynamic, Bible-based programs. These age groups are divided into 2 classrooms: K-2nd Grade and 3-5th Grade. To gain access to Kids’ Church, enter through the church’s front entrance to the main lobby, proceeding to the check-in station by going up the flight of stairs on the right or left.
For parents and their babies, we offer the Parents’ Room, located at the front of church, accessed from the main lobby. This room is equipped with baby-friendly furniture and with video streaming to continue enjoying the worship service.
Kids’ Church programs are volunteer-led and have been carefully crafted for each age group. We encourage you to be part of a child’s amazing faith journey! All volunteers must take the Safe Gatherings background check and review our policies and procedures manual.

“Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.”
Psalm 95:1
On Sundays at 10 am, the First Miami Children’s Choir holds singing rehearsals for children attending K – 8th Grade. Children’s Choir rehearsals last 45 minutes and are led by a voice teacher. We have spots available and there is no registration fee. Class registration does require commitment for early arrival and weekly attendance as presentation dates will be announced soon! Enter through the side entrance of the church to check-in.
We also encourage families to attend the 9 am Classical service (prior to the choir rehearsal) or the 11 am Contemporary service (after the choir rehearsal).